Many people fresh out of college looking for their dream job can simultaneously look for temporary work in their industry in an effort to keep employment history current, especially if they have worked for a staffing company in the past.

These days we see a lot of college students not wanting to take a temporary job while they are hoping to get hired straight out of school into their field under their dream conditions. This may not be a solid plan since one of the worst things a job seeker can do is have a big gap in their work history. It is a hard job market out there. You can have a degree and not get a call back from your resume, let alone an in-person interview. Working with a staffing company can help. Most companies you wish to get your foot in the door with are going to want to see your work experience. They want to know you are motivated and see that you are a hard worker. All Star Labor & Staffing can help you take on temporary assignments that will get you experience in aspects of your dream job while still searching for it. In that scenario, you could structure your resume like this:

All Star Labor & Staffing, Portland, Oregon 3/2017 – Present

Job Title, Current Company/Client Name (7/2017 – Present)
Job duties

Job Title, Former Company/Client Name (3/2017 – 7/2017)
Job duties

In this example, it may not be your forever job, but more importantly, it shows that the staffing company wanted you to work and liked you enough to put you with yet another client. It is a testament that the staffing company appreciates your work, work ethic and personality, so other companies can extrapolate that they would probably like you too. This strategy also speaks to the fact that many employers are bias towards hiring employed people – the thought is, if someone else loves you enough to employ you, they probably will love you too.

The more short term temp jobs can be grouped together, under a common company or staffing company name, the more it appears that your work history is stable and that you are not a job-hopper. I can tell you as the owner/director of All Star and American Admin, a PEO company – I look for three main traits in everyone I hire: Honesty, Hardworking and Integrity.

All Star Labor & Staffing is here to help everyone find success. We are just happy to be a part of your journey.