7 Habits of A Powerful Leader
By Ramona Mathany
Owner, American Admin, Inc. & All Star Labor and Staffing

In times of uncertainty, we look to our leaders to guide us. In order to be a true and powerful leader you must stick to your principles. If you heard someone described as a powerful leader, you might assume he or she would be the loudest person in the room, the one telling everyone else what to do. But powerful does not mean dominating. In fact, a controlling, dominating person is the very opposite of a powerful leader. So what exactly makes a powerful leader and how do you become one? Here are the 7 essential habits of a powerful leader:

1. Do not control others
Powerful leaders do not try to control, convince, or manipulate other people or their behaviors. They know it doesn’t work, and it’s not their job. Their job is to control themselves.

2. Create a respectful environment
Powerful leaders are able to consciously and deliberately create the environment by showing respect. They deliberately set the standard for how they expect to be treated by the way they treat others. As they consistently act in responsible, respectful, and loving ways, it becomes clear that only people who can get close to them are those who know how to show respect, be responsible, and love well.

3. Refuse to be a victim
Life does not happen to powerful leaders, powerful leaders make choices and decision to navigate proactively. They are not controlled or infected by their environment. Powerful leaders refuse the play the victim by shifting responsibility for their choices onto others.

4. Require others around you to be powerful
When powerful leaders encounter a powerless person, they are not tempted to dive into any unhealthy emotional ties or attachments. They hear a victim’s sob story and ask, “so what are you going to do about that? What have you tried? What else could you try?” These questions confront powerless people with their responsibility and their capacity to make choices and control themselves. This is the only option a powerful leader will offer to powerless people: become powerful, make choices, and control yourself.

5. Make daily decisions that align with your vision
Powerful leaders do not simply react to whatever is happening today. They are able to take responsibility for their decisions and the consequences of those decisions – even for mistakes and failures. They can respond to today and create tomorrow. Powerful leaders have a vision and mission for their life, and can use the events of each day, whether positive or negative, to direct themselves toward that vision.

6. Let your “yes” be “yes” and “no” be “no”
Popular opinion or the pressure of others does not sway the language of powerful leaders. They know exactly what they want and how to communicate their desires. A powerful leader says, “I will. I do. I am.” Powerful leaders can say both “yes” and “no,” and mean it. Others can try to manipulate, charm and threaten, but their answer will stand.

7. Consistently demonstrate who you say you are
Powerful leaders can be who they say they are on a consistent basis. And because they know how to be themselves, they invite those around them to be themselves. Only powerful leaders can create a safe place to know and be known intimately. They say, “I can be me around you and you can be you around me. We do not need to control each other, and we don’t want to control each other. “

We all have room to grow in becoming powerful leaders. No matter what, know that every step on the journey to getting free and being a powerful leader in your own life is worth it. Choosing to say “yes!” to a life of responsibility will be one filled with adventure and joy. Do not let powerlessness and a victim mentality steal from you any longer. YOU can be powerful leader who can make powerful decisions implementing these 7 traits.

Ramona Mathany is owner and director of All Star Labor & Staffing and American Admin Inc.