We’ve all faced those days when we’re not feeling the most motivated at work, and that’s completely normal. In fact, most people feel loss of motivation sometimes, but if you keep in mind that your job and career’s success is up to you and only you, you will find your motivation. We have complied a list of inspirational tricks to help jump-start your work drive. If you practice and commit to them, by focusing on being motivated you may find yourself being more productive and chances are your supervisor will too.

Commit to giving it your best
To start, you need to get into the right mindset. Commit to being motivated and accomplishing your job in an above-and-beyond manner. Every morning try taking a moment to get excited for your work day, look at the positive and how you contribute to the company.

Stop sweating the small stuff
In the workplace there will be things out of your control, but don’t let that ruin your motivation. Learning and understanding that you can’t control every situation or person will help you in being YOUR best self in the workplace. Try to focus on achieving your goals and priorities.

Make a to-do list and check it off
Nothing is more rewarding then checking an item off your to-do list. We suggest physically writing down your goals and as you complete them, begin checking them off. This is both satisfying to do and you can look back on at the end of the day to see how much you were able to accomplish.

Ask for feedback
Feedback can seem a little scary going into it, but it can be very inspirational in finding your motivation. Take any constructive criticism and use that to amp your work drive. If you receive great positive feedback, use it! Let that feed your ego and continue to do great.

Reward yourself
Bribing yourself can be a great incentive to keeping yourself motivated at work. Decide on a goal and establish a reward of your choosing for once it is completed. Knowing that you have a treat waiting for you once it’s completed can help drive you to the finish line much faster.

Set small attainable goals
Start off small and try not to overwhelm yourself with large goals, instead look at your big goals and prioritize how you can break them down into smaller goals. Miniature sized goals are a great way to stay focused and are much easier to manage. Many people find it easier to visually see their goals so you may try writing them down on a post-it note. Try writing out both your short term and long term goals, so you can also keep an eye on the bigger picture.

Hang with productive people
Associating yourself with productive individuals will allow you to observe their practices on how to be productive and efficient. Typically productive people are positive people which will also encourage you to have a positive attitude too.

Take breaks
In your jammed packed day, you may find it impossible to take breaks, but these are essential! Schedule time to take a moment to walk around and stretch, get some water, say hello to a coworker in another area. Something to help clear your head for a moment and keep you from feeling overwhelmed from going non-stop.

Hopefully by following these motivational tips you will find yourself feeling more positive, enjoying being at work, and more productive in the workplace.