With Oregon’s unemployment rate at a historical low rate, many people are able to find work that were not able to before. If you are one of these individuals, you may be having some mixed feeling about getting back into the workforce, and that’s completely normal. A common feeling right now may be anxiety, but there is no need to worry yourself, now is a better time than ever to get back in the saddle. To help guide you through this transitioning phase, we have put together a list of tips to ease you back in.

Tips for Getting Back Into the Workforce after Long-Term Unemployment

Apply with All Star Labor & Staffing

Going through all the online job boards and filling out endless applications can be very tiring, but if you apply with All Star, you won’t just be applying for one job, you’ll be applying for ALL of our jobs! We understand gaps in work history and we are always willing to work around that and find you employment that you want.

Dust off your resume

Yes, your employment gaps will show up on your applications and resume, but you just need to be prepared to explain your situation. You can adjust your resume to avoid those gaps being the first thing someone sees by doing a career summary resume to highlight your top qualifications. This will draw attention to your selling points and downplay your work history.  We also always suggest having a cover letter to be included with your resume. This is a great tool to utilize a couple sentences to explain your unemployment until you get an opportunity to interview.

Get back into a work schedule routine

While you’re away from a regimented work schedule, you tend to go more with the flow in regards to your daily schedule, but that will all change when you start working again. Prior to starting your new job, it is a good idea to get into the habit of getting on a schedule again so you can find how everything will fit into your day. Once you are offered a position, find out the hours and start working your day around it, such as, wake up times, meals, workouts, knowing when to drop off kids, etc.

Limit your outside obligations

If you’ve been unemployed for a long period of time you may be amazed at how exhausting being in the workforce again may be. This goes for both physically and mentally as your head may be spinning with trying to learn so much and remember everything. This will get much easier and your body will get adjusted, but for the first couple weeks, it may be best to pare down on workweek activities before or after work. Allow yourself to get adjusted.

Be humble 

Once you start your new job, it’s best to not over stress yourself right from the get go. It’s okay to be the rookie in your new role. Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t feel pressured to learn it all in your first week. Get comfortable in your role, observe your colleagues and adapt to the flow of your environment.

Get to know your coworkers

Having someone to talk to will make this transition so much easier on you, and you may even make a new friend in the process. Be friendly and introduce yourself to everyone you meet. Having a friendly coworker can alleviate a lot of the stress that comes with starting a new job and they are great for answering all the many questions that come along with a new work environment.

No matter the duration of your unemployment, if you are physically and mentally ready to return to work, you can do this! Apply today with us and let us help get your back into the workforce. www.AllStarLabor.com