All Star Top Ten Temps

10. They work two shifts in a day, one at Nike and the other at the Vancouver Marriot and their only transportation is a bicycle.
9. They drop what they are doing and go for last minute jobs.
8. They turn timesheets in early! On-time is great, but early? So great!
7. They are willing to work a variety of jobs that have different pay rates.
6. They are filed with gratitude, recently released from serving time and just want to work.
5. They are Jack & Janet’s of all trades. Willing and able to work admin to construction jobs.
4. They easily adapt to different client environments and do great work.
3. They stick through difficult things and end up being the last temp standing with a full time hire. Positive attitudes go a very long way.
2. They have grace. We all make mistakes (including us) but when we take ownership, show humility and move on it brings success.

And the number one way you know you have a great temp is…
1 . The client asks them back by name!

Thank you #AllStars!